Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tongue Untied

From the time Matty was a baby whenever he smiled REALLY big, he always stuck (or tried to stick) his tongue out. It's the ultimate Matty face, and it's now forever changed.

This Thursday Matty had his tongue clipped to help with his pronunciation. He did great, and it took longer to put him out than it did to do the procedure. I got to hold him for about an hour after surgery while he was trying to wake up, and I just stared at him and rubbed his sweet little face. It's not often you get to sit and rock your big boy. We went to McDonald's afterward, Matthew's choice, with Ethan and Leah and he was telling anyone who would listen "Me got me tongue clipped!" and then he would roll his tongue around.

We hope to see a lot more of that tongue soon Matty...literally.


  1. What an awesome smile! Way to go Matty!!!

  2. Oh my gosh! I so miss that kid! Love that TONGUE!!!! He looks like such a big boy with his tongue clipped and all. I can't wait to see all the monkeys again - hopefully one day! :) Good to talk to you tonight!

  3. What?!?!?! You talked to Katie tonight instead of me?!?!?!? Waiting patiently for my Ethan post . . . .

  4. Yep. Matty and Leah look just as cute as the last 10 times I checked your blog . . . . I think I post on your blog more than you do.

    I want to see a post with you training.
