Thursday, March 18, 2010

It was an honor just to be nominated

Today I got a phone call from Ethan's school and they said I had been nominated for the PTA president. Seriously? They must not know me that well, I can't even run a household, how in the world would I run a PTA. Plus I'm completely irresponsible. Today, for example, I woke up knowing it would be a beautiful sunny 65 degree day, I wanted to take the kids and play outside all day so I just didn't take Ethan to school. Easy peasy, no big deal. Forget about learning, or responsibility, today we PLAY! I implore, is this the type of person that should be leading a band of parents and teachers?! I should say not!
Mostly I declined simply because it's like pulling what little teeth people have left here to get any parent participation. I'm the homeroom mom this year, and I end up doing everything on my own. I can't imagine doing that on a much larger scale. I ended up volunteering for secretary. I figure I can still be involved without playing dentist.


  1. Just goes to show that money CAN buy everything. *insert eye-roll here*

  2. DeNae! we missed you so much and we never tried to plot against you behind your back.
    Is Cynthia still there? I'm supper excited that you found one of your many friends from years gone by. It must make you feel so loved and popular.
    Love you and good to have you back. :)

  3. Ri, no one really came, it was a joke about you sending a stranger to my house.

  4. DeNae! You have a blog! How fun! I really have to be better at mine... Well, keep posting, because I'll be checking. :) Your family is adorable by the way! Oh and congrats on the nomination--I wouldn't want to do it either, but I know why they wanted you to since you're totally the coolest funnest mommy ever!

  5. My thoughts exactly, Riann. Talk about can't take a joke . . . .

  6. DeNae, you just need to learn to be socially awkward like me. Then you won't get nominated for such crazy things.
